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Torah and Humanity in a Time of Rebirth: Rav Yehuda Amital as Educator and Thinker

By Rabbi Reuven Ziegler '86 and Dr. Yehudah Mirsky '78 (Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis and on the faculty of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies). 

A study of a highly original educator, public figure and thinker, whose life and legacy are central for understanding Religious Zionism. Holocaust survivor, founder of the hesder yeshiva system and important figure in the settlement movement, he eventually creates Israel's lone religious peace party. As an educator and thinker, he celebrated on the one hand complexity and freedom, and on the other pious faith and adherence to tradition. This essay appears in Torah and Western Thought: Intellectual Portraits of Orthodoxy and Modernity Eds. Meir Y. Soloveichik, Stuart W. Halpern and Shlomo Zuckier (Maggid Books and Yeshiva University Strauss Center for Torah and Western Thought: Jerusalem and New York 2015) . pp. 179-217


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