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Before Sinai: Jewish Values and Jewish Law (en)


(5784-5785) (Sunday) (Bi-weekly) The first year of this series (5774) focused on the first two values of Berit Avot – Jewish peoplehood and the Land of Israel. The sequel  series, released in 5779, continued on to the latter two values of ethical living and of pursuing a rich spiritual life. Last year, Rav Goldberg released an additional 15 shiurim, discussing spirituality in Judaism, Berit Avot and Jewish leadership, and covenantal values that predate Berit Avot. We happily anticipate an additional 15 shiurim this coming year, exploring the possibility of a universal covenant that precedes Berit Avot and Berit Sinai, as well as the relevance of Berit Avot to political discourse in the State of Israel. New subscribers are welcome to join. We recommend that you become acquainted with last year's installments - just click on the Series Name to access our archives.